Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello 2012!

A new year means new goals for our little Family, well actually a renewed desire to try to accomplish last years goals along with a couple of new ones :)

This months FHE theme for the Acker's is on Family History and one of the lessons is on keeping a journal.... one of those things that seem so easy but is SOO hard. Looking over my 2011's journal entries (like 5) I decided that writing in a book with no "add picture" option or comments from those who know us best is just not giving me enough incentive to write often :(  Therefore I have decided to put my issues with google aside and try to keep up with my families memories here on blogger again... give me strength!

We have not technically gone over all our goals for 2012- that will be my next entry after our FHE on Monday- but I will go ahead and say that I make it MY personal goal to blog at least once a week on the happenings of our little family.

On to the first things of 2012 I would like to remember:

My wonderful parents decided that for Christmas they would give us the gift of togetherness. So over the New Year weekend they brought the whole family-  my 3 sisters, 4 brothers, in-laws, nieces and nephews from all over the U.S. here to Alabama to spend 4 days at Smith Lake. We had a fabulous time! Scarlett got to play with all her cousins and Aaron and I were able to visit and have fun with my siblings. I wish we had taken pictures of some of the crazy games we played but apparently none of us did to good of a job with our cameras. It was over too quick but hopefully the memories will stick forever.

All the cousins!

Going to get Fireworks!

Sparklies with the Kiddies... we did the big ones later :)

 I will also upload one of my 2 Favorite people who just happened to turn 1 a few weeks ago!!!
Happy Birthday Little Lady! Thank you for the best year of Me and Daddy's Life!



  1. I will add you to my blog reader! I love the blog design and that picture of Scarlett is precious! Love you!

  2. Precious pictures and I am so glad you enjoyed your time at the lake. The gift of togetherness was as much fun to give as it was to get!!!!
